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We need 15 sec move option

We need 15 sec move option
Posted by Charmeuse (VIP) Jan 22 2014 12:42PM

30 sec is way too slow for a lot of us, and for some players when they are losing, they drag every move to 30 sec, which is extremely annoying.

Posted by phsst (VIP) Jan 24 2014 3:39PM


Posted by HappyChap (TD) Jan 25 2014 7:21AM

I would so love a 15 second option, I have asked many times but got nowhere, send in contact us if enough ask for it you never know

I agree
Posted by PeterGa (VIP) Jan 25 2014 11:45AM

I agree

15 seconds
Posted by Roger790 (VIP) Feb 10 2014 5:06PM

i also agree

Posted by RandRuss Jun 6 2014 12:52PM

i agree

Posted by Rottie (TD) Jun 9 2014 8:30AM

PLEASE IF YOU FIND A PLAYER THAT IS RUNNING THE CLOCK OUT WITH EVERY MOVE LET THE TD KNOW. THERE IS ARULE ABOUT THAT. 10 "Un-necessary delay of a game may result in DQ" It will be left up to the TD and the Admin to determine if this is the case in a particular game.

Posted by Charmeuse (VIP) Jun 18 2014 1:56PM

I've personally reported some players a lot of times already, both to the admin and TD. The TD came sit at the table and those players still played the same way. They were never kicked out or DQ'ed. That's why many of us stay away from tnys.

Contact us
Posted by webmistress (moderator) Jun 18 2014 1:59PM

Please report slow players to us via 'Contact Us' button. We do issue warnings and penalties for unwarranted slow-downs.

slow play
Posted by giterdone9837 (VIP) Jun 26 2014 8:49PM

would love a 10-15 second move limit, tournaments last way too long. waited over 30 minutes tonight to play first game (had a bye).

Posted by phsst (VIP) Jul 24 2014 7:52AM


15 sec option needed
Posted by Hossa (VIP) Aug 13 2014 8:25AM

i agree

Posted by COLT (VIP) Aug 22 2014 1:22PM

How can you tell someone to play faster if you give 30 sec per move. That is 100% unfair. Don't put 30 second timer if you just have a rule that goes against it. Pretty stupid.

15 second move
Posted by eucalypt Sep 8 2014 4:50AM

Definitely 15 second move save being insulted by some of those rude impatient players when 5 seconds pass they get nasty its a game not a race

15 second move
Posted by eucalypt Sep 8 2014 5:16AM

slow player can b very frustrating but some r learners some have disabilities but some experienced players also can drag out a game cause they're bad losers

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